Monday, May 23, 2011

pita pizza!

As I was putting away groceries today, I found a can of pizza sauce that we had used recently. Lunch was invented!

I kind of made up some of it as I went along, but it turned out delicious.

The tools! You can have whatever toppings you'd like, but the sauce and cheese are a must.

I used a pita round as the pizza's crust. It works perfectly! Boboli also makes a good pre-made crust.


Spread sauce, cheese and whatever toppings evenly over the crust.

I left an edge just to make it feel like real pizza and not messy.

The more even the toppings are, the more evenly the pizza will cook.

  • Preheat your oven to 300 degrees.
  • Prepare your pizza however you like. (For quick clean-up, bake the pizza on a sheet of aluminum foil on a baking sheet.)
  • Bake for 15-20 minutes, depending on how crispy you'd like your pizza crust.

Slice and enjoy!

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