Saturday, June 4, 2011

Happy Summer Blueberry Nests!

Since I've been doing so much baking lately, I decided to share with my downstairs neighbors. I've never really spoken to them, or any of our other neighbors, but they have an adorable little girl (and a UF welcome mat) so I figured they could use a treat!

I had come up with an idea for a "thumbprint"-style cookie, where you make wells in the cookies before you bake them, then fill that well with a jelly or a jam.

I still had some blueberries that I had picked a couple weeks ago (that I will hopefully finish baking away soon) so I decided to make my own blueberry "jam".

I used the same cookie recipe that I've been raving about, those glazed lemon cookies, but added the juice of 1/2 lemon to the dough mixture. Then, I made sure to add a "nest" as best as I could to each cookie.

Because I wasn't actually making a jam out of these blueberries, I sort of had to invent my own recipe for the sauce/syrup.

  • 2 cups blueberries, fresh
  • 1 1/2 cups sugar
  • juice 1/2 lemon
Heat that up in a saucepan over medium heat. This recipe is fun because you get to squish and mash the blueberries in order to make it a sauce; there is no other added liquid. It'll heat up and get delicious, then bring it to a boil (pretty much still on medium heat) for at least five minutes.

From there, spoon a little into each cookie. Mine had a lot of spillage, as the cookies weren't built like the dams they should have been, but that was my own fault. Either way, the cookies and jam have to cool and harden a little before serving.

I packaged up a whole tray of cookies for my neighbors (the recipe makes two trays, so we were able to enjoy some, too) and left it on their doorstep. I know they've brought it inside, but I'm still waiting to see if they think I'm some lunatic - or if they appreciated the thought. I included a recipe card so that they could make them, too.

Note: You're going to have plenty of leftover blueberry sauce. If you're like me, you'll eat a couple spoonfuls just out of the pot, then save the rest for later use.

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